

美国Monmouth UniversityMohammad S. Obaidat教授(IEEE Fellow,SCS学会主席)将于1222日(周二)下午来我系作学术报告,欢迎感兴趣的师生踊跃参加。  



地点:通信与探测研究所会议室 (紫菘学生公寓大门旁小院)  



Trends and Challenges in Green Information and Communication Technology and Samples of our Research Findings



Distinguished Keynote Speaker:  

Professor Mohammad S. Obaidat

IEEE Fellow and SCS Fellow

President, The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS)

Editor-in-Chief, Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems

Distinguished Lecturer of ACM (1995-Present)

Distinguished Lecturer of SCS (2006-Present)

Distinguished Speaker of IEEE Computer Society (1994-1997)

Professor of Computer Science and Software Engineering,

Monmouth   University , W. Long Branch , NJ 07764 , USA

E-mail: Obaidat@monmouth.edu;

Web Page: www.monmouth.edu/mobaidat  



Information and communication technologies (ICT) play a vital role in modern days, touching almost all aspects of our lives. Critical infrastructure and key resources (CIKR) including transportation systems, energy, banking and financial institutions, water resources and dams, chemical plants, postal and shipping systems, nuclear reactors, defense and industrial base, commercial facilities, national monuments and icons, emergency facilities and services, agriculture and food sector, hospitals and health centers, among others, are all affected and depend heavily on ICT. Due to the heavy reliance of organizations and individuals on ICT technologies on a daily basis, there has been an increasing demand for computing, communication, networking, and storage systems. In order to meet these needs, state of the art ICT infrastructures have been extended and scaled. This has brought the issues of green computing and communication to the attention of various entities including governments, research laboratories, academics, industry, business, military and others. Issues such as energy expenditure, heat distribution, greenhouse discharge and energy-aware design and operation have become hot issues that require a lot of research and development efforts.    


Among the trends in ICT is virtualization in order to find ways to reduce the amount of dedicated resources needed for an individual computer user. The non-stop increase in data generation will require us to have more and more storage devices. Although these devices are becoming less expensive, they still need power to operate them and mechanisms to cool them. It is expected that providing applications via mobile tools will continue growing rapidly.  This will entail more server capability and rise in the demand for computing power in data centers.  This is also a potential area for virtualization. Due to virtualization and integration, data centers are now able to push more into a rack. This has lead to an increase in the power consumption per square foot by a factor of 10 or so.   Cloud computing is becoming more and more popular as it provides scalable and resilient IT-enabled resources using the Internet means.

In addition to the trends and challenges in green ICT, we will be presenting some of our related research works.  We propose a Dynamic Energy Efficient and Secure Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks in Urban Environments, DEESR. A decision is made by every node based on various parameters like longevity, distance, and battery power, which measure the node and link quality to decide the next hop in the route. This ensures that the total load is distributed evenly while conserving the energy of battery-constrained nodes. The protocol also maintains a trusted population for each node through Dynamic Trust Factor (DTF), which ensures secure communication in the environment by gradually isolating the malicious nodes. The results obtained show that the proposed protocol when compared with other energy efficient protocols such as the MMBCR and DSR gives far better results in terms of energy efficiency. We also introduce an Efficient Reactive and Angular – Optimized Link State Routing (ERA-OLSR) for MANETs. It is observed that ERA-OLSR performs better than both AODV and DSR in terms of end-to-end delay and average energy consumed. ERA-OLSR is best suited for dense scenarios. The simulation results obtained after implementing the proposed protocol have shown that ERA-OLSR has better performance than both AODV and DSR in terms of End-to-end delay and Average Energy Consumption.Other related research efforts by our group will be presented.


Biography of Distinguished Keynote Speaker:

Professor Mohammad S. Obaidat is an internationally well known academic/researcher/ scientist. He received his Ph.D. and M. S. degrees in Computer Engineering with a minor in Computer Science from The Ohio State University, Columbus , Ohio , USA . Dr. Obaidat is currently a full Professor of Computer Science at Monmouth University , NJ , USA . Among his previous positions are Chair of the Department of Computer Science and Director of the Graduate Program at Monmouth University and a faculty member at the City University of New York. He has received extensive research funding and has published Ten (10) books and over Four Hundred and seventy (470) refereed technical articles in scholarly international journals and proceedings of international conferences, and currently working on three more books.  Prof. Obaidat is the author of a new upcoming book: Wireless Sensor Networks (Cambridge University Press). He is also the editor to 2 new upcoming books: Cooperative Networking (John Wiley &Sons 2010) and Pervasive Computing and Networking (John Wiley &Sons 2010). Prof. Obaidat is the author of the book entitled: "Fundamentals of Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems," by John Wiley & Sons in 2010. Dr. Obaidat is the Editor of the Book entitled, "E-business and Telecommunication Networks", published by Springer in 2008. He is the co-author of the book entitled, "Security of e-Systems and Computer Networks" published by Cambridge University Press in 2007. He is the co-author of the Best Selling Book, "Wireless Networks" and "Multiwavelength Optical LANs" published by John Wily & Sons (2003). Obaidat is the editor of the book, APPLIED SYSTEM SIMULATION: Methodologies and Applications, published by Kluwer (now Springer) in 2003. Professor Obaidat has served as a consultant for several corporations and organizations worldwide. Mohammad is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Communication Systems published by John Wiley. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Convergence published by FTRA. He served as an Editor of IEEE Wireless Communications from 2007-2010. Between 1991-2006, he served as a Technical Editor and an Area Editor of Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulations (SCS) International, TSCS. He also served on the Editorial Advisory Board of  Simulation. He is now an editor of the Wiley Security and Communication Networks Journal, Journal of Networks, International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence, IJITCC, Inderscience. He served on the International Advisory Board of the International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadband Technologies, IGI-global. Prod. Obaidat is an associate editor/ editorial board member of seven other refereed scholarly journals including two IEEE Transactions, Elsevier Computer Communications Journal, Kluwer Journal of Supercomputing, SCS Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, The Academy Journal of Communications, International Journal of BioSciences and Technology and International Journal of Information Technology. He has guest edited numerous special issues of scholarly journals such as IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC, IEEE Wireless Communications, IEEE Systems Journal,  SIMULATION: Transactions of SCS, Elsevier Computer Communications Journal, Journal of C & EE, Wiley Security and Communication Networks, Journal of Networks, and International Journal of Communication Systems, among others. Obaidat has served as the steering committee chair, advisory Committee Chair and program chair of numerous international conferences including the IEEE Int'l Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, IEEE International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, IEEE Int’l Performance, Computing and Communications Conference,  IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, SCSC'97, SCSC98-SCSC2005, SCSC2006, the International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems since its inception in 1998, International Conference on Parallel Processing, Honorary General Chair of the 2006 IEEE Intl. Joint Conference on E-Business and Telecommunications, ICETE2006. He served as General Co-Chair of ICETE 2007-ICETE 2010. He has served as the Program Chair of the  International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems from 2008-Presnet. He is the co-founder and Program Co-Chair of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking, DCNET since its inception in 2009. Obaidat has served as the General Chair of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA2007, the IEEE AICCSA 2009 Conference.  and the 2006 International Symposium on Ad hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (ISAHUC'06). He is the founder of the International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, SPECTS and has served as the General Chair of SPECTS since its inception. Obaidat has received a recognition certificate from IEEE. Between 1994-1997, Obaidat has served as distinguished speaker/visitor of IEEE Computer Society. Since 1995 he has been serving as an ACM distinguished Lecturer. He is also an SCS distinguished Lecturer. Between 1996-1999, Dr. Obaidat served as an IEEE/ACM program evaluator of the Computing Sciences Accreditation Board/Commission, CSAB/CSAC. Obaidat is the founder and first Chairman of SCS Technical Chapter (Committee) on PECTS (Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems). He has served as the Scientific Advisor for the World Bank/UN Digital Inclusion Workshop- The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Development. Between 1995-2002, he has served as a member of the board of directors of the Society for Computer Simulation International. Between 2002-2004, he has served as Vice President of Conferences of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International SCS. Between 2004-2006, Prof. Obaidat has served as Vice President of Membership of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International SCS. Between 2006-2009, he has served as the Senior Vice President of SCS. Currently, he is the President of SCS. One of his recent co-authored papers has received the best paper award in the IEEE AICCSA 2009 international conference. He also received the best paper award for one of his papers accepted in IEEE GLOBCOM 2009 conference. Dr. Obaidat received very recently the Society for Modeling and Simulation Intentional (SCS) prestigious McLeod Founder's Award in recognition of his outstanding technical and professional contributions to modeling and simulation.  

He has been invited to lecture and give keynote speeches worldwide. His research interests are: wireless communications and networks, telecommunications and Networking systems, security of network, information and computer systems, security of e-based systems, performance evaluation of computer systems, algorithms and networks,  high performance and parallel computing/computers, applied neural networks and pattern  recognition, adaptive learning and speech processing. Recently, Prof. Obaidat has been awarded a Nokia Research Fellowship and the distinguished Fulbright Scholar Award. During the 2004/2005, he was on sabbatical leave as Fulbright Distinguished Professor and Advisor to the President of Philadelphia University in Jordan, Dr. Adnan Badran. The latter became the Prime Minister of Jordan in April 2005 and served earlier as Vice President of UNESCO. Prof. Obaidat is a Fellow of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International SCS, and a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). For more info; se: http://bluehawk.monmouth.edu/mobaidat/  




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