




题目:University of Oulu Keeps on Innovating Mobile Technology



Since 1980s, University of Oulu has played a globally central role in the development of wireless and mobile technology. This talk discusses innovations and research in mobile technology at the University of Oulu. The talk presents examples of achieved results and ongoing research, some commercialized results are presented as well. The early work focused on mobile telecommunications technologies, including 1G (NMT), 2G (GSM) and 3G (UMTS). In fact, University of Oulu and its industrial partners have demonstrated first in the world many technologies nowadays in large-scale use. The development of new telecommunication technologies, like cognitive radio, continues. Our second branch of research focuses on developing new interaction technologies for mobile devices. This talk presents examples of new interaction techniques based on machine vision, RFID technology, acceleration sensors, and digital watermarking, and some other recent achievements. The material contains a lot of photographs and some videos as well.


Short Bio of Prof. JukkaRiekki


Doctor of Technology at the University of Oulu, February 1999.

Licentiate in Technology at the University of Oulu, May 1993.

Degree of Diploma Engineer (MSEE) at the University of Oulu, October 1989.


Professor of Software Architectures for Embedded Systems at the University of Oulu, since 2001.

Director of the Intelligent Systems Group since 2003, together with professor Juha Röning and professor Tapio Seppänen.


10/2001– Professor of Software Architectures for Embedded Systems at the University of Oulu

8/1999–10/2001 Postdoctoral Fellow of the Academy of Finland.

1/1997–7/1999 Senior Research Associate at the University of Oulu.

7/1996–12/1996 Researcher in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Oulu.

4/1996–6/1996 Senior Research Associate at the University of Oulu.

4/1996– Research manager of the Intelligent Systems Group.

4/1994–3/1996 Visiting Research Scientist (STA Fellow), Intelligent Systems Division, Electrotechnical Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan.

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