

香港中文大学Prof Dah Ming Chiu (IEEE Fellow)学术报告(926

香港中文大学Dah Ming Chiu(邱達民)教授(IEEE Fellow)访问电信系和互联网中心,并将于2011926号在电信系南一楼三楼举行一次学术报告活动,欢迎全校老师和同学们踊跃参加。


Models and replication algorithms for P2P-assisted VoD (Infocom2011)

报告人:Prof. Dah Ming Chiu


点:南一楼 西324室


邱達民教授:IEEE Fellow,香港中文大学讯息工程系主任,美国哈佛大学博士,在美国工业界工作了二十年,包括Bell实验室、DEC公司和Sun公司等。2002年为香港中文大学讯息工程系教授。研究领域包括P2P、网络资源分配、路由、流量测量和分析、无线网络和网络中的经济问题等。发表SigcommInfocomTON等国际著名杂志和会议论文百余篇。担任IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking(TON)编委。长期担任一些重要国际会议的TPC,包括:IEEE Infocom, IEEE ICNPIEEE IWQoS

摘要: Title: Models and replication algorithms for P2P-assisted VoD


We consider a P2P-assisted Video-on-Demand system where each peer can store a relatively small number of movies to offload the server when these movies are requested. User request demand is stochastic following some movie popularity distribution. In this setting, we first present our recent work on movie replication strategies assuming a specific request scheduling mechanism called perfect fair sharing (similar to processor sharing). The results give us performance bounds, and how system scales with local storage, and other system parameters. We also propose replication algorithms and compare them to traditional adaptive algorithms such as LFR, FIFO and Random. The results also give us insight into whether replication should be proportional (to movie popularity) and where to store cold versus hot movies. In the second part of our talk, we discuss our work relative to other models and analysis. In particular, if each request is served by a bounded number of peers, how replication is affected by the scheduling assumption is studied. This helps unify our work with various recent work on P2P VoD replication.

Brief Bio:

Dah Ming Chiu is a professor of the Department of Information Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He is currently serving as the department chairman. Dah Ming received his BSc from Imperial College London, and PhD from Harvard University. He worked in industry (Bell Labs, DEC and Sun Labs) before joining CUHK in 2002. He is an IEEE Fellow.

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