





Prof. Vladimir A. Oleshchuk is a Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Information and Telecommunications Technology, University of Agder, Norway. He was a visiting research fellow at University of Oslo, Norway, University of Pittsburgh, USA, and University of Aizu, Japan. His current research interests include formal methods and information security, safety and privacy preserving with special focus on telecommunication systems. He is a senior member of ACM, member of IEEE and Member of Agder Academy of Sciences and Letters.
Associate Prof. Frank Li holds a Ph.D. degree from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). During the past few years, he has been a main participant for several Norwegian and EU research projects including IST FP6 project, ADHOCSYS, which is financed under the strategic objective of "Broadband for All". He is listed as a Lead Scientist by the European Commission DG RTD Unit A.03 - Evaluation and Monitoring of Programs in Nov. 2007. He is mainly interested in wireless networks and mobile systems, especially ad hoc and mesh networks, including routing protocols, MAC mechanisms, IP and transport layer issues, cross-layer design, QoS, traffic engineering, and performance evaluation of various communication networks. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.
Associate Prof. Jorge Martínez-Bauset has a PhD from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), Spain, and currently is an associate professor at the same university. From 1987 to 1991 he was with QPSX Communications in Perth (Western Australia), participating in the team that designed the first IEEE 802.6 MAN. He has been with the UPV’s Department of Communications since 1991 and is a member of the Euro-FGI Network of Excellence. He was the recipient of the 1997's Alcatel Spain best PhD thesis award in access networks. His research interests are in the area of performance evaluation and traffic control for multiservice networks.
Associate Prof. Vicent Pla is an associate professor at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) in the Department of Communications. He obtained his PhD in Telecommunication Engineering in 2005 from the same university. He was a visiting PhD researcher in the Multimedia and Networking Lab at the University of Pennsylvania during summer of 1999, and a visiting scholar in the Networking Laboratory at the Helsinki University of Technology during the summer of 2006. His research interests lie primarily in the areas of teletraffic and performance evaluation of communication networks. In these areas he has published several papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings.
Associate Prof. Luis Guijarro is with the Department of Communications at UPV. He obtained a PhD in Telecommunication from the UPV (1998). His research has been focused on engineering issues in the Information Society applications, specifically in e-Government, where he has been working on models, architectures and frameworks for enabling interoperability. This work has produced several scientific publications and collaborations with Public Administrations, i.e. Regional Government of Valencia, Spanish Government and European Commission. He collaborates with the ‘Jean Monnet Chair on Telecommunications and Information Society Policy at the European Union’, based in the UPV. Finally, current research is focused on economic modeling of telecommunication service provision, targeted at assessing regulatory authority decisions.
Dr. Enrico Masala received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from the POLITO, Turin, Italy, in 2004. He is currently a postdoc researcher at the Internet Media Group, Computer and Control Engineering Dept, POLITO, working on performance optimization of innovative video services, such as 3D video, over wireless packet networks. In 2003, he was a Visiting Researcher at the Signal Compression Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara, where he worked on joint source channel coding algorithms for video transmission. His main research interests include multimedia processing, especially video, and coding and transmission over wireline and wireless packet networks. He has authored or coauthored more than 30 international scientific publications in the field. Dr. Masala has also been involved in several national and international research projects in the fields of multimedia over multihop wireless networks, inter-vehicle networking, and wireless multimedia communications. He frequently serves as a reviewer for international journals and conferences concerning multimedia processing and transmission, including IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Communications Magazine. He has served as a technical program committee member of international workshops and as the Publicity Chair of the IEEE ICC Workshop on Multimedia Communications (MULTICOMM), 2006, Istanbul, Turkey. Dr. Masala is a member of the Multimedia Communications Technical Committee within the IEEE Communications Society.

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