


Layer 5 Session Handoff for Ubiquitous Multimedia Streaming Service
报告人:Prof. Chung-Ming Huang
时 间:2011年10月31日上午10:00-11:30
地 点:南五楼 210室
Traditional mobility management essentially deals with layer 2 handoff, i.e., base station handoff, or layer 3 handoff, i.e., IP/router handoff. With the advanced networking and computing technologies, different innovative applications and services are feasible and thus mobility management on the application layer becomes required. Layer 5 (L5) session handoff means transferring a networking session from one end device to the other end device and/or from one sub-network to the other sub-network. This talk will concentrate on L5 session handoff for ubiquitous multimedia streaming services. An illustrated L5 session handoff for ubiquitous multimedia streaming service is transferring a VOD session from the home TV to a smart phone. Three main technical issues for tackling L5 session handoff for ubiquitous multimedia streaming services are (1) ubiquitous communication and signaling issue, (2)session mobility management issue, and (3) adaptive multimedia transmission control issue. This talk will explain these issues and the corresponding solutions.
Chung-Ming Huang received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University on 1984/6, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer and information science from The Ohio State University on 1988/12 and 1991/6 respectively. Currently, he is a Distinguished Professor in Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. He is also Director of the Promotion Center for Network Applications and Service Platform Technology Consortium (PC-NASPTC), Ministry of Education (MOE), Taiwan. He was (i) Chair of Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering and Director of Institute of Medical Informatics, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. and (ii) Principal Project Reviewer of Industrial Development Bureau and Department of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Taiwan.
He has been Guest-Editors of some special issues in some international journals. He was the General Chair of 2009 International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Network (I-SPAN 2009); he also served as Program Chair or Vice Program Chair of some international conferences.
He edited the world’s 1st Telematics book - “Telematics Communication Technologies and Vehicular Networks” that was published by Information Science Reference (IGI Global). He has published more than 250 referred journal and conference papers in wireless and mobile communication protocols, interactive multimedia systems, audio and video streaming and formal modeling of communication protocols. His research interests include wireless and mobile network protocol design and analysis, media processing and streaming, web technologies, and network applications and services.

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华中科技大学 电子信息与通信学院