三菱电机美国研究院高级研究员TIAN Dong学术报告


报告主题:3D Video Coding & Distribution
时间: 10月22日下午14:00
地点: 西十二楼 N103
Title : "3D Video Coding & Distribution"
Time: 22, Oct, 14:00~15:30
Abstract: In this talk, Dong will present the recent progress on 3D
video coding and distribution. After a quick review on 3D display
technique and existing technologies, the trend and new capabilities of
next generation of 3D video application will be discussed. The
relative work within MPEG standard groups would be highlighted. In
addition, a technique used to enable advanced 3D display from our
recent work could be demonstrate.
Biography:TIAN Dong has been working in the field of image /video compression
and processing for over 10 years. He got deeply involved in several
standardizations related to video coding in MPEG since 2002. For
example, MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 (2002), its extension for multiview video
(MVC 2005), MPEG 3DV AHG (2007) and MPEG 3D-HEVC (2011). He was among
the most active members and continuous contributors for the standard
groups and served as leaders in various sub-groups. His main
contributions for the standardization include developing new coding
techniques for improved coding effiency, robust transmission, 3D
video, etc. In addition, Dong's secondary research field is on display
processing toward next generation of 3D displays.
Dong works as a Principal Member Research Staff at Mitsubishi Electric
Research Labs (MERL) at Boston from 2010, Senior Member Technical
Staff at Thomson Corporate Research at Princeton between 2005 and
2010, and Post-doc Researcher at Tampere University of Technology
/Nokia Research Center at Finland from 2002. Dong completed his Doctor
study at BJUT in 2001, Master and Bachelor's degree from USTC in 1998
and 1995, respectively.

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华中科技大学 电子信息与通信学院