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Academic Policies


Clause I Registration

1. All international students and Students from Hong Kong, Macau,Taiwanand Overseas Chinese Students should register and pay for the tuition in the International Students Office. New students should pay the tuition when registered. Students who have already studied in our university should register with Student Card three days before the start of the new semester.

2. Students who cannot register on time should provide a written excuse, and acquire the permission of teachers in International Students Office beforehand. Students could not ask for leave for more than two weeks. If students fail to ask for leave or get the permission in advance, they will be regarded as truancy. As to students who deter the registration for more than two weeks, they are deemed as voluntary abandon of their student status and quit from our university. Students could not be registered without the payment of tuition.

3. Student who is diagnosed with a disease which is risky for public health or fail to pass physical examination will not be registered and accepted by the university and should leave China within a limited period.

Clause II Before Major Learning

1. International students whose major will be taught in Chinese have to learn Chinese language and pass the corresponding level of Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) before major learning.

2. The students majored in Science, Engineering, Economics and Management should get passed in HSK Band 3, and those in Literature, Philosophy and Law should get passed in HSK Band 5, and then are qualified and permitted to take specialty-oriented courses in Chinese.

3. As for Chinese Government Scholarship students, they can learn Chinese language for no more than two years.

Clause III Study Disciplines

1. Daily Discipline

Students should follow the requirements of the teaching plan and attend all the study activities provided in the plan. All students should observe class disciplines and should never be late for class or retreat early. Except for holidays and festivals, students should not make bold to leave school or cut school. In one semester, if the absent times add up to 10 classes, the student would be warned, and if the absent times add up to 50 classes, the student would be compelled to quit from our university

2. Ask for Leave:

If students are unable to participate in studying activities, they should submit a written ask-for-leave application (a diagnosis identification is required if the leave is the result of the illness). If students are unable to ask for leave in advance in case of emergency, they should afterward make up the ask-for-leave within three days. The application for leave should only come into effect after the permission. If students leave without permission or the leave period exceeds the permitted period, it will be regarded as absent. A leave of/within seven days should be approved by the school/department concerned. Leave exceeding seven days should be approved by International Students Office. Students who fail to submit a written ask-for-leave application within two weeks is deemed as voluntary cancellation of study and the university will notify the Immigration Office to abolish the qualification for the legal residence.

Clause IV Awards and Subsidies

Candidates who perform excellently in study or in other aspects will be praised and awarded. Candidates will be granted premium, souvenir and certificates of merit etc. The university will notify the embassy of the students’ motherland of the awards that they acquired.

Candidates who have published academic papers as the first author in famous academic journals as recognized by the university and list HUST as the first institution of publication will be awarded by International Student Office. Subsidy (once only, no more than 1000 RMB) shall be provided depending on the importance of the journal that they published on.

If any term here of conflicts with the university regulations about undergraduate and graduate students, the latter shall control.

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